Senin, 28 Maret 2016


This the first day I come to pare with my brother my name is ulfa rafiqha. when I just finished my university based on two weeks and  I have tried to apply job some of company in Bogor and Jakarta but only 2 company I can pass until Psikotest and I’m failed with the English test and finally on 9 September I want to kill my time go to pare because my cousin  give suggestion to take access course the reason cause my cousin ever come to here in 2011 to learn English. I go with my brother we are meet in airport Jakarta, after he arrived in Jakarta directly we are go to Senen station for going to pare by train about to 24 hours. When we comes to pare, access are great course. The tutor and officer can help what we are need about English lesson or what we are need. Because we are the first come here, they can be great buddies for asking something about pare and an important one about English and many differents culture I got from my home town that I must follow while I’m stay here. I can see from language, traditional food and people in pare always used bike every place they go, and the people here so kind and friendly, this the first time me living out with my brother and  we are take regular program 2 month. When we finish the program my brother back to home town prepare to continue his uuniversities and I can’t back if I haven’t got job or I don’t have the other activity and finnaly, I additional my class 2 week and then about to 1 week exactly on November I got information from one of coaches if access open the new program is name Indonesia Belajar there are many lesson we got for learning.
Indonesia Belajar one of the program from Access-ES, Indonesia Belajar is a way for learning English without money or we gotta free and give the opportunity for developing our dream, this program give a lot of lesson from basic until high lesson all of member must join about to one years, all of people from the other city come to access just for join in this program, based on 80 peoples have registration via internet. But just several people come to dahlia street where Access-ES be in pare to doing interview.
When I got the information I ask to my parents if I will join in this program but I must join 1 years, my parents just said its okay you can looking for scholarship in the other country or job while you follow this program, my parents really want I got scholarship or job in the other country, I don’t know I’m just feeling this impossible but I must tried because “never try never know’ and then I share the information to my friends via line, one of my friend interesting and we will interviewing together.On 15 November when all of people come for interviewing is wearing blacks tie and they can speak english I’m not fill afraid just amazed for all of them, so many reason I got from them why they come and join in this program, some of them resign from their job just for join in this program and the other just kill their times and for additional language.
Although I’m the old member here but I still can’t speak very fluently, today our times for interview and meet with Mr. Ramdhan. when my turn Mr. Dhan asking opinion to me about education in Indonesia part of city and village and compare about that, I don’t know my answer is correct or incorrect I just answer that I know. The announcement will be next week we are waiting until all of people finish interview, and will share the announce via text and finally I didn’t got the text. I’m feel sad and I don’t know what can I do if I call my parents this just make they panic, and I try to ask in officer, officer said the paper still with Mr. Ramdhan and just come tomorrow when all of people who got the text come for listening the rule and write the essay about education.
This the first day all of member who accept in indonesia belajar meet together in one room and I ask again to officer “how about me”, officer said “you can join”. I’m feel so happy and then sit down together I see just 18 people come this class I don’t know where is the other. The first class manage by Mr. Ramdhan and ask all of us to make essay minimally 3 paragraph about education with 30 minutes, after this coach limbat take over the class give announcement about the first and second month lesson, we will got speaking class with coach limbat on 2 month, and expression class will be with coach alif and his one of coaches in charge of about member “IB” indonesia belajar and in the afternoon we got idiom class with Mr. Ramdhan and evening class with coach zaenal on Monday and Friday, and tuesday until Thursday will be change with coach alif, just coaches boys teach member IB, and member the girl of IB just 5 people. When the first month we are stay in gray house we are so comfortable here with the situation, and boys stay in access 10, for knowing one to another we hanging around and hang out together go to kili suci or ketan susu and got lunch together.
The first month class with coach limbat all of member just silent and just some of them can answer coach limbat question, every day without book coach limbat just give the tittle about the lesson and one by one will called and explained that in front of him, coach limbat will ask question if we can’t answer directly stop and back in our place, may be this class like shock therapy although we have prepare but if in front of coach limbat directly will get nerveous and then what we have prepare will disappear. Around 3 days 4 of member IB drop out that I know the reason because they can’t memorize with the short time in idiom class because the first and the second month we must memorized the conversation ant the meaning of idiom, around 2 month we have evaluation score, about absent who got the under score will drop out and 2 of my friend out again, and this month we have taken contract if we are ready with the requirements and if we offend will get sanction an now just 13 member left, and the girl move in access nine and the boys move in access 2 for join and mix with the regular member.
The second month when we start class with the same class with coach limbat but now he will ask opinion and ask all of us for explain something, I Saw all my friend can explain and answer and I have try but coach limbad said still not understand what I said, ya cause I still use book language I must try to explain opinion really from my brain, its so difficult and I still confused how to explain, but from this class we got many science about technology, education, world, education and we are always try to give opinion in discussion.
The third month when we have finished idiom class we have the other activity it’s name “helping hand” we are divided into to 6 group, 1 group is 2 people and our job is accompany member help what they are need and ask them what lesson they think so difficult, and this program out from the schedule but its okay with share we can know what our decrease and we can learn together and additional new friend not just know member IB in pare, sometime in weekend we are hang out together in ketan susu before all of them back to hometown, this the first day I’m teaching actually I don’t like teach but when I try its funny we can share what we know, give games and playing or learn together.

So, although we have finished in university or the other school is doesn’t mean you don’t need learn about the other you do not know or you don’t like, you must try it the new something because science need update and we can’t if just stop what you have got.

I'm still in Kampung Inggris
My written is still to be continued

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